How to attach large file to email using

how to attach large file to email using

Many times you may found this annoying that you are not able to send larger size of files using email attachments as every email have its limitations for file attachments for performance and security reasons. In this post I will tell you how to attach large file to email-

There is one option that you can upload your desired file in any file sharing site or cloud service providers , Google Drive , Windows Live , dropbox are the good examples you can use for file sharing. After uploading the file click on share , it will generate a link you can email that link your senders or it can automatically send the email when you type senders email in sharing option. I have mentioned in my previous post how to use this service to send larger size files.

But there is also an free alternative using that you can attach your attachments directly inside your email , e.g. in gmail and

That is , it is an online file sharing provider , you can download google chrome extension from here for After downloading chrome extension also create a free account inside Now close your chrome and again launch , now open your gmail and click on compose button ; you will found and addition button below attachment option that is attach files using , click on this button and attach your files and send the email as usual. The receipent found the link in their email for attched file . When he will click on that link the file will downloaded to his desktop.
